Above photo (taken by Peter Boyle) of the 15th June Rally is from Redfern Aboriginal Tent Embassy Facebook page
The Aboriginal Housing Company was formed in the early 1970s to build houses for Aboriginal people on land that was slowly acquired at what became known as The Block in Redfern. Yesterday people who attended a rally at the well organised tent embassy that is growing in size daily at The Block heard the sad tale of black on black frustration as this same housing company readies to embark on a building project that does not ensure housing for the people it was formed to serve.
In Millers Point the talk is of ‘social cleansing’. In Redfern they spoke of ‘racial cleansing’ as gradual eviction and relocation of people from The Block has occurred over the past few years. Sydney is being impoverished in both places by the actions of those who understand only short term profit.
Hall Greenland's Watermelon Greenland Blog gives the background Requiem for The Block?